Imagine if you had the time and space to combine knowing who you are with how you work best in order to illuminate a fulfilling vision for your future.
Treat yourself to a wildly inspiring, fun and rejuvenating weekend where your personal stories collide with your personal strengths to help you launch your vision loudly and unapologetically into the world.
WHO: Women who want to unwind and reconnect with their strengths, wishes and true selves. You may be in transition or wanting to get clear on what's next in your life. You want to engage with a supportive community of like-minded ladies in a creative, fun-loving environment and have a time that's just for you.
WHY: In our hectic, overextended lives, it is easy to forget to take care of ourselves. What if the solution to igniting our superpowers includes adding a little more time for you? Acknowledging and building on our strengths? And learning how to carry those skills wherever we go? You will create a written vision for yourself so you can show up fully engaged, thriving and from a genuine place of strength. You'll create a plan to get you there.
WHAT: A two and a half day retreat created and hosted by leadership maven, consultant and executive coach Gloria Miele, Ph.D. and master-storyteller, director and public speaking coach Kim Maxwell. Find Your Voice takes you through the process of reclaiming the experiences in your life through writing, creative reflection and practicing self-care habits, including movement, nappy time, field trips and delicious food with a room full of equally inspiring and resilient women who just need a little space to step into what’s next.
We are delighted to have Kate Nash of Cosmotion Holistic Movement and Fitness Centerjoining us as a sponsor. She will be leading creative movement and stretching to enhance our experience.
FRIDAY - 7:00-10 PM
Meet and greet, story swapping, with games, free writes and relaxation.
SATURDAY - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Free writes, discussion, movement, an amazing lunch, time outdoors and more free writes, as your vision starts to come into focus.
SUNDAY - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
More writing, movement and discussion, another amazing lunch, more naps, a little art, your top 3 to-dos and the time and space to launch your vision loudly and unapologetically into the world.
It is the very best of both of our worlds and ideas and words and exercises and love of food and coffee and need for vision and clarity and humor…
…and naps.
…and helpful checklists.
Love, Gloria Miele, Ph.D. and Kim Maxwell