Happy Women's Equality Day!
One hundred years ago today, after an over seven-decade fight, white women won the right to vote. Women of color would not get their turn for decades more, and many people still find obstacles to voting.
Today we celebrate the centennial of the day the 19th Amendment was signed into law. After months planning an in-person festival with a consortium of women's groups throughout Ventura County, we instead celebrate in a virtual event that includes performances, presentations, museum exhibits, interviews, and more, culminating in a live "Toast to Tenacity," as we encourage all to "Use Your Voice, Use Your Vote."
Space is limited and registration is required. A detailed schedule is available on the Toast to Tenacity Vision 2020 Facebook Page, where you can also find the registration link. Sign up and join us for a fun and informative two hours. The recording will be available if you miss it.
Imagine if, to honor 100 years of women's suffrage, 100% of women voted....
Here's to true equality, liberty, and justice for all.
Best, Gloria